Lawn & Garden Care

Lawn & Garden Care

Lawn care comes into picture only when there is garden present in the area. To Keep up a lawn’s health and beauty a typical lawn care company will offer the following services.

Lawn Mowing: This service includes mowing the grass areas completely, trimming, edging of hard surfaces, and cleaning up all the garbage.

Fertilization and Weed Control: One of the important services. Well, balanced fertilizers are needed for the lawn to grow healthier and also weeds need to be removed from time to time.

Clean Ups: Clean ups are usually conducted in Spring and Fall seasons to remove the fallen leaves, accumulated debris, and other little tasks in the front and backyard lawns of your home.

Aeration: This is a process to remove some small cores from the lawn for eliminating thatch, loosening up the soil, which allows water and nutrients to get deeper into the ground.

Dethatching: This involves the thatch removal in the lawn to prevent the spread of fungus in the garden.

Pruning: This is a method of removing broken and sucker branches and dead wood to maintain the health and appeal of the lawn.

If you have any emergency landscaping need, simply call our 24 hour emergency number

Quick and Reliable work for landscape and gardening

(323) 982-3066